I want to become a UX designer.

Venky Myakala
5 min readOct 19, 2023


Why become a UX designer?

“Embarking on the journey of becoming a UX designer can be both exciting and daunting. You’re about to enter a dynamic and creative field that offers countless opportunities for growth and innovation. But before we delve into the details, take a moment to relax and know that this blog is your friendly guide, here to support you in your quest to understand and navigate the world of UX design. Let’s start this journey together.”

Have you taken a moment to reflect on your motivation for venturing into the field of UX design? It’s a critical step to undertake before embarking on your journey in the world of design. Who are you, and what drives you to become a UX designer?

I encourage you not to rush through these questions; they hold significant importance and relevance, as you will soon discover.

Types of aspirants

Now, let’s consider who you are at this point. You may fall into one of the following categories:

The possibility of a career in UX design captivates students and recent graduates from a variety of educational backgrounds. They actively seek relevant courses, internships, or resources to cultivate their skills, while their diverse academic foundations enrich the field’s interdisciplinary and creative aspects.

Switch to career:
These individuals often hail from other professions and are seeking a transition into UX design. They’ve recognized that their current career path doesn’t align with their passions and interests. The prospect of becoming a UX designer presents an exciting and fulfilling change.

Artists and creatives:
Those with a strong artistic inclination and a creative spark often gravitate toward UX design. Their love for aesthetics and a deep understanding of user-centered design principles propel them toward this profession.

Tech Enthusiasts:
Individuals with a background in technology or IT fields, such as web development or programming, find UX design intriguing. They understand the significance of catering to user needs and aspire to enhance the user experience of the products they create.

Passionate learners and self-starters
both characteristics of aspiring UX designers. They are motivated by a strong desire to learn and a natural curiosity, and they see a career in user experience design as a demanding intellectual adventure. Whether they have a formal design background or not, their desire to learn the necessary skills on their own is a common thread that connects them.

Entrepreneurs and Product Owners:
Business owners, startup founders, and product managers may find themselves drawn to UX design as they aim to create superior products and gain a deeper understanding of user behavior.

Now, having a clear understanding of who you are and your motivation for becoming a UX designer is crucial. You might be wondering why it’s important to delve into these aspects. By finding answers to these questions, you will gain insight into the necessary steps you should take and what aspects to focus on for your self-improvement.

<a href=”https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/curiosity-search-concept-illustration_30576701.htm#&position=36&from_view=author">Image by storyset</a> on Freepik

Next Steps:

Before delving into UX learning, there are several crucial considerations to keep in mind. Let’s see.

Understand what design is:
First and foremost, gain a solid understanding of what UX (user experience) design is. Familiarize yourself with the roles and responsibilities, principles, methodologies, and processes that are core to the field. Examine the full spectrum of UX roles and processes through blogs or YouTube to make informed choices.

Assess your skills.
Take stock of your existing skills and knowledge. Determine which skills you possess that can be applied to UX and identify areas where you need to improve. Develop soft skills like communication, collaboration, and problem-solving, as they are just as important as technical skills in UX design. For example, storytelling is a crucial skill for any designer because images won’t speak here. So carefully assess your skills and agree to the facts. Do not hesitate or pretend to be yourself. Be open to feedback and constructive criticism. Learning from your mistakes and improving your work is an integral part of the learning process.

Start Networking:
Building connections within the UX community can be highly beneficial. Attend local meetups and conferences or join online forums and social media groups to connect with professionals and fellow learners.

The most important skill to own is: Design thinking
Start cultivating a designer’s mindset by shifting from a typical user’s perspective to that of a designer. Picture yourself using a social media application, but this time, keenly observe what you may have previously overlooked. Sharpening your observation skills is a fundamental aspect of UX.

Gradually, you’ll embrace design thinking principles, and there are numerous resources, such as books and the internet, to expand your knowledge. Design thinking places a strong emphasis on empathizing with users, identifying challenges, and crafting innovative solutions. It all begins with astute observation, delving into user experiences, and fostering empathy to truly understand their needs.

The Significance of Mastery in UX Design
In an upcoming blog post, we’ll delve into why achieving mastery in all facets of UX design is crucial in the UX arena. Discover how being a well-rounded designer can significantly impact the world of UX design.

Selecting the Right Institutions

Your next crucial step is selecting the right learning institution that aligns with your educational path. You can consider enrolling in a formal degree program, taking online courses, attending workshops, or pursuing self-study. Each path offers its unique advantages and considerations.

Exercise discernment throughout this decision-making process, as the quality of your education and available resources can significantly impact your growth as a designer. It’s essential to evaluate the value of the certificate, noting that certificates from well-established institutions often carry more weight within the industry.

Keep in mind that your journey into UX design is a substantial investment of time, energy, and financial resources. As you make your choices, understand that you’re taking a significant step toward your future. Thoroughly explore the curriculum, program duration, and certificate recognition, comparing various options to identify the most suitable path to achieve your goals.

<a href=”https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/seminar-concept-illustration_19245711.htm#query=Institute&position=4&from_view=search&track=sph">Image by storyset</a> on Freepik

Good to keep in mind

Design is not merely a job role; it’s a profound responsibility. Embracing a career in design places you at the forefront of innovation and creativity. Designers are the trailblazers, forging paths to new innovations and pioneering unique experiences the world has yet to witness. A designer’s role transcends creating interfaces; it involves innovation in both the physical and digital realms and solving complex challenges across products. Consider the striking example of Apple—renowned for both its products and the user interfaces that accompany them.

Your journey toward UX design promises a world of innovation and creativity. Cherish this exciting endeavor, and remember that you’re poised to make a lasting impact on the way people interact with the world around them.

I wish you all the best.

Images downloaded from freepik.com

